Fox Township residents may bring their household garbage, recyclables and oversized items to the Township Building on the following days:
Mondays 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesdays 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Fridays 6:00 AM – 2:00 PM
[the gates will close 5 minutes prior to closing]
This is a free service to all residents (you must LIVE in Fox Township). NO demolition waste or appliances with Freon! Only four tires per month allowed per resident. Numerous large loads from cleaning out houses due to moving or purchasing a new home will NOT be accepted. No commercial or industrial establishments are permitted to use this service.
Mark your 2025 calendar! Services will NOT be open on these holidays:
New Years Day 2025 (Jan 1, 2025)
Good Friday (April 18)
Memorial Day (May 26)
Independence Day (July 4)
Labor Day (Sept. 1)
Day after Thanksgiving (Nov. 28) Christmas Eve (Dec 24)
Please, limit oversize items the day after a holiday!
[The Township reserves the right to add to this list as occasions may arise. Please watch for other notices.] There will be no alternate schedule. Plan on coming on one of the other scheduled days during these weeks!!
Residents may make only ONE trip to the dumpsters each week. The Township reserves the right to examine excessive loads of trash. If you are caught bringing in trash from a non-resident, you will be charged with theft of services. Violation of these dumpster schedules will be considered as illegal dumping!

For information on items collected, click the link to the Elk County Recycling Center web page!
The recycling collection containers are located outside of the fence as you enter the garbage collection area. Because of contamination of the bins, we must now monitor what is being placed in these containers. As such, they are now only available to Fox Township residents during regular garbage collection hours (as listed on this page). Each bin is labeled for plastic, paper, or cardboard. Aluminum and other metals are collected in the large orange container inside the fenced area. Please place your recyclables in the appropriate container. DO NOT leave your items lay on the ground next to the containers! These containers are not meant for household garbage.

Place your old NEWSPAPERS in the shed located by the recycling trailers. Local farmers will shred these newspapers for animal bedding. Newspapers can be in cardboard boxes or paper bags but PLEASE, NO plastic bags. Newspapers can be dropped off during garbage collection hours only. DO NOT Place magazines, plastics or other items in this shed.
A limited collection compost site is available during garbage collection hours. ONLY grass clippings, leaves and garden debris is accepted. NO BAG, BOXES or other items can be disposed of in the compost area!