Building Code Inspector and Code Enforcement Officer
Rob Singer
Office Hours: as available
Monday - Friday 6:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Office Phone: (814) 885-8450 ext 3
Cell: (814) 335-6454
Do I Need a Permit? Building & Zoning
The Uniform Construction Code took effect in 2004 in Fox Township. Most new construction projects require a building permit and/or zoning permit. Regular home maintenance projects such as a new roof, siding or similar remodeling do not require a permit. Permit fees vary based on size and type of structure. To be sure your project meets all building requirements, contact Rob Singer before starting construction!
On-Lot Sewage (Septic Tanks)
Applications to have perc tests done must be completed through the Township office. The cost is $600 for a new system and $300 for the repair or inspection of an existing system. Once application is made, the Township’s Sewage Enforcement Officer, Russ Braun will be contacted to conduct the tests.

The Fox Township Zoning ordinance was adopted October 5, 2005. Prior to developing a parcel of land, be sure that your intended use fits into the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.
ALSO: While certain construction projects do not need a building permit, they may still require a Zoning Permit to assure that the proper setbacks are being met. Zoning permits are required for accessory buildings, swimming pools and other projects. The fee for a Zoning Permit is $25.00
Ordinances adopted by Fox Township have been published into a Code Book for easier reference. This publication is updated only periodically and may not reflect all the current regulations and policies enforced by Fox Township. New updates will be posted as they are published.